

Watermelon Margarita

Watermelon Margarita


60ml El Toro Tequila

30ml VOK Watermelon Liqueur

30ml fresh lime juice

Handful of fresh watermelon


To prepare your margarita glass, run a slice of lime around the rim of the glass. Pour coarse salt on a plate and press the rim of the glass into the salt.

To a cocktail shaker, add in a handful of fresh watermelon and muddle. Add Tequila Blanco, watermelon liqueur, fresh lime juice and ice. Shake till cold. Strain into your prepared glass. Add mint leaves to garnish.

To make frozen watermelon margarita, to a blender, add: Tequila Blanco, watermelon liqueur, fresh lime juice, ice, and fresh watermelon. Blend until preferred consistency. Strain into prepared glass, add a straw and mint leaves to garnish.

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